I was fortunate to have taken two of the spring courses in the spring of 2020. This was a demanding time for me outside of school and it was helpful to have a lighter load than I would have otherwise. I also took an extra course outside of the MIST program called 'Human/Computer Interaction' that introduced me to many important concepts regarding the relationship of technology with the human factor.
While attending the spring semester in 2021, I also lead a team of CST seniors as they undertook their own capstone projects working on my getupandmove.net website and 'Get Up and Move' mobile app. The mobile app is still under construction.
While attending the spring semester in 2021, I also lead a team of CST seniors as they undertook their own capstone projects working on my getupandmove.net website and 'Get Up and Move' mobile app. The mobile app is still under construction.